Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The name sack of this blog is my beautiful daughter Luna she is almost 4 months this month. I'am 16 witch would make me a teen mom. But this does not define me, this does not make me a slut, a whore, or make me any less of a person than anyone els. And it for damn sure does not make me any less of a great mother than any other. I may be a stutistic in most eyes but in my daughters Iam mommy, I am love, I am comfort. And unlike what most people would think the father of my lovely daughter is still around in fact we are still together and are more in love than before. And we plan on getting married in September. We plan on growing old together,watching time past by slowly, and watching our children grow beautifully. Our dreams are bright, just like our future, and just like the smile I get from Luna every morning. And I would gladly take a bullet for that wonderful smile. I may have made a mistake but one think that is for sure is my daughter is not a mistake she is a blessing received a little earlier than most. But that just means that her father and I have a little more time to spend with her, a couple more memories to make, and even more smiles to share. Luna has a wonderfully father, he is loving and some of the most beautiful moments I have ever seen are moments shared with him and Luna. When he tickles her and pauses waiting for her to smile and make her signature gurgling sound, blowing bubble of happiness. (and spit but hey its part of being a percent.) I thought I loved him before but seeing the most gentle side of him, holding our daughter rocking her to sleep calling her his little nickname he gave her, (Little Lu) makes me fall in love with him every day over and over. So I guess what I'm trying to say is I may be a teenage mother, I may have made a mistake in my life that has changed it forever. But that mistake has made my life even more wonderful, filled with smiles, giggles, kisses, and mostly full of love. I would never take back anything I have done because that would mean missing out on these wonderful moments and I wouldn't miss that for the world.